Monday, July 19, 2010

Parents left but otherwise a good day :(

Today is the day my parents fly back to tw which makes me a little sad. because of the time difference i also was trying hard to give them a call before they get on the flight. luckily by the time i was done with my busy monday they were still waiting to board. :(.....still makes me really sad. I really don't want this for the rest of my life. I hate saying goodbyes. it always sucks. but then that also hinders me so much because whenever something goes south here at work or in cali, i always think 'screw this, i'm going HOME'. well, NOT a good mindset when you're trying to make a mark in your field.

Despite that, it was actually a pretty good day. It was, though, a crazy monday. i walked in the office and found out about an unexpected all-day meeting that is required of all new hires/fellows. However, i had about 4 meetings scheduled throughout the day! I freaked out and asked the admin to reschedule the less important meet-and-greets, and the one i REALLY want to go to is a sales training where i will be shadowing two pharmacists training the sales reps. I am expected to take over that in the future so i'd really like to see how it is conducted this time. So i asked to be excused from the morning session of the new hires training and went to the sales training for the morning. And i must say, it didn't look too bad at all. it was just like giving a lecture to none-scientists and yet these people are more enthusiastic and more inquisitive than most pharm students you will ever find. I think i will enjoy this task when i take over. Definitely something to look forward to.

I then finished the day with the second half of the new hires training, met up with one of my preceptors and discussed the studies i read over the weekend and our most recent data, and had a meeting with a scientific writer who i will be working with who also interviewed me when i came in last time. I had felt like she really liked me during the interview and today she said she actually remembers me and was happy to find out i got the job. :)

anyway, still liking what i do on a day to day basis. only wish i could be with the people i care for more. :(

1 comment:

  1. 加油,好好表現! 一切都感覺好新鮮刺激啊:)
